(Solar Photovoltaic Installation)

Be among the elite 25 participants.
Secure your spot today for the Solar Photovoltaic Installation (SPVI) COREN Certification Training!

Benefits of becoming a solar engineer:

A Solar Energy Systems Engineer working in Nigeria will typically earn around 3,696,900 NGN per year and Nigeria’s energy demand is expected to double by 2040, making the solar industry a significant player in the future of energy production in Nigeria. below are some of the benefits of this training. 

  1. Become a certified solar installer professional.
  2. Achieve internationally recognized COREN certification.
  3. Secure a spot in Nigeria’s certified solar installers national database.
  4. Gain employment opportunities with premier solar companies.
  5. Engage in business partnerships and mentoring with SPTC, the industry’s foremost training institution.
  6. Join the SPTC alumni network, unlocking exclusive benefits.
  7. Tap into the expertise of our team of skilled engineers.
  8. Attain membership in leading renewable energy associations.
  9. Access renewable energy grants and facilities.
  10. Stay informed about emerging solar technologies and applications firsthand.

About this program

The Solar Photovoltaic Installation (SPVI) training program equips you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the dynamic renewable energy industry and become a solar systems engineer. Our comprehensive curriculum blends online learning with hands-on practical training, ensuring a well-rounded and impactful experience.

Mode of Training:

  • Duration: 4 weeks
  • Online: 2 weeks (10am daily)
  • Offline: 2 weeks (Hands-on practical training)

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Introduction to Renewable Energy.
  2. Workplace Safety.
  3. Understanding Components of Solar Photovoltaic Systems.
  4. Solar Photovoltaic System Configurations.
  5. Grid-Connected Systems.
  6. Off-Grid Systems.
  7. Hybrid Systems.
  8. Solar System Design and Sizing.
  9. Electrical Load Analysis.
  10. Energy Efficiency and Energy Auditing.
  11. Hands-On Practical Site Installation of Solar Power Systems.
  12. Understanding Required Tools for Solar System Installation.
  13. Suitable Surfaces.
  14. Battery Installation.
  15. Solar Panel Installation on Ground Mounted Structures.
  16. Solar Panel Installation on Rooftops.
  17. Connecting Solar System Components.
  18. Step-by-Step Solar Power System Installation.
  19. Maintenance and Troubleshooting.
  20. Battery Maintenance.
  21. Solar Panel Maintenance.
  22. Inverter and Charge Controller Maintenance.
  23. Cable and Connection Maintenance.
  24. Maintenance Schedule.
  25. Troubleshooting.

About COREN:

The SPVI Training we offer is accredited by the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN). COREN is a statutory body established by the Federal Government of Nigeria to regulate the practice of Engineering in all aspects and ramifications. This accreditation ensures that our training program meets the highest industry standards and provides graduates with an internationally recognized certification that opens doors to exciting opportunities in the field of renewable energy and engineering.

Enroll Now:

This training costs N150,000 (One Hundred & Fifty Thousand Naira) which includes the COREN exam fee.
Installment payment option is available.

Join us and take the first step towards a rewarding career in solar energy. Secure your spot today for the Solar Photovoltaic Installation (SPVI) Training!

For more details and inquiries, feel free to Call/Whatsapp our number for a 24/7 live support: +2348031350929.

We’re here to assist you with all your solar needs.

Payment method:

Payment for this program can be made to – Solar Power Training Centre, Acct. No. 1017143360, Zenith Bank. After payment, Please text ‘Registered‘ and your name to 08031350929. Installment payment option is available. Call or WhatsApp 08031350929 to discuss installment payment options.

Voices of Impact: Testimonials and Training Highlights